Cell: +27(0)72-120-5694
E-mail: lynn.b@absamail.co.za
37 Wag-’n-Bietjie Street, Wilropark
Creative Arts Music Centre
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In-House Concerts
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Concerts – June and December
Much effort is made in preparation for these concerts. There are instrumental and vocal solos, ensembles, dancing, etc. with much entertainment quality. Hosanna brings in professional sound support with lighting and stage enhancement to give students access to performance experience at all ages and stages.
These concerts are vital for students' development because everyone can be included and it gives each an opportunity to be exposed to solo and ensemble music and how to play with other musicians on various levels. The purpose of music is discovered in these events - to share your heart and message with your community. It develops self-confidence and assertiveness.
We host Junior Concerts for younger and beginner performers and Senior Concerts for older and more advanced performers. These two consecutive events will be held on one day at the same venue.
Family and friends are invited to support performers and tickets will be required at the door.
Performers attend for free, of course.
Ticket sales are available annually to family, friends and community to these events. Notice will be given when tickets are available.
International Examinations – during October month of the year:
We offer either modern or classical music styles through a few international institutes:
Practical Grade Exams - Rock / Pop / Jazz through Rock School International which is a practical exam comprising of 8 musical grades
Performance and Teachers Diplomas – for students who excel from beginner to teachers diploma.
Classical Training (practical and/or theory) – examinations are offered through Trinity of London, Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM) and UNISA.
Theory Grade Exams – from grade 1 to 6 through Trinity of London, Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM) and UNISA.
Performance Assessments
The National Eisteddfod – during September month
This showcase / competition is particularly attractive to those musicians and singers who wish to compete with musicians in their age group and skill level.
It is usually for school or university students who can receive colours through their school or institute. Applicants can also receive great prizes and receive music study bursaries.
The gala event held for category winners is usually held annually during October.
www.nea.co.za will give more information.
Exams, Assessments & In-house Concerts
A curriculum is as good as it's assessment standards. Hosanna has made sure that all students have a goal, whether it be to achieve an exam certificate or apply at a national competition or Eisteddfod. Lynn Beech has her licentiate at Trinity's Rock School and is therefore adequately qualified to conduct accredited tests and assessments. Assessors of Rock School England have been very pleased with the standard of the teachers and students at Hosanna.
It is important that musical performance be developed. Bi-annual in-house concerts are held in June and in December each year (see more information below). Tickets are available to friends and family.